2025 Dues:

Our annual (January through December) membership dues are $20 for an individual
Individual "student" memberships (under 20 years old) are free.

BCAS Membership includes:

  • Automatic membership, as a member of BCAS, in the Astronomical League (AL)
  • Subscription to The Reflector, the AL quarterly magazine
  • Discounts from AL partners
  • Special member rate for the annual AL Conference (ALCON). It is at Bryce Canyon for 2025
  • We no longer offer a family membership. Since the Astronomical League sends out The Reflector to an address, not an individual, there really is no need to have a family membership for multiple people.
    However, if a couple chooses to have two memberships, we APPRECIATE the support!

    To become a Member, please send a check made out to the Black Canyon Astronomical Society.

    Mailing Address
    BCAS - Care of Mary Erickson
    27 N. Willerup Ave
    Montrose, CO 81401

    Please fill out and include this form with your payment so that we know where to mail your issues of The Reflector.

    Note that we are no longer able to accept dues payments for multiple years.

    We are unable to conduct private outreach events due to resource limitations and insurance.